Just An Eye

by LCF Prods.

Libraries & Demo


Saves a 3D impression of a place in a few clicks.The program saves the environment in .OBJ .MTL .PNG, but also in .NED and the application can display.NED through an optional file explorer to open files.Inspired by the real vision, the application is only intended to distract.The application only reads .NED generated by itself.The Viewer interface is MONO/STEREO and manages a Pad when using a VR headset adapted to the SmartPhone.For the built-in Viewer, touching the screen changes the MONO/STEREO view mode.As for the recorder, one tap takes a shot, two taps erases the last shot, 3 taps disables simplified viewing, and 4 taps changes the MONO/STEREO mode. Exiting the application finalizes the NED file in the /sdcard/SpaceTrip/ directory.Viewing via DeadDeer or .NED Player also with NED Player VR by changing the extension of the files generated in the "/sdcard/SpaceTrip" folder.Dead Deer Software in NED Player for Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, Windows Phone, iOS :http://deaddeer.free.fr/